Examples of Banking Frauds in Routine Life
By Dr. Lalit Kumar Setia | @drlalitsetia
| drlalitsetia@gmail.com
In the era of technology, frauds have also been transformed and
common-men face cyber crimes. The cultural values are changing and no-one can be
trusted easily like in earlier times. On 31st August, 2018; two
persons arrived in a bank and asked to change the registered mobile number of
an account. One of them claimed that the account is related to him but he was
liar. After getting the new mobile number registered, they started to carry out
online transfer of money with receiving the One-Time Passwords (OTPs) on the
new registered mobile number. An amount of Rs. 11.5 lac withdrawn and transferred
to six different accounts and from the accounts, the amount is withdrawn using
cheques and ATMs. The gang of people was from Jharkhand and the accounts used
for this purpose were of Syndicate Bank and Bank of Baroda. Definitely, the banking
employees may also be involved to perform such frauds. However, the gang was
caught by New Delhi District Police but such frauds affects the life of people
very adversely.
Experiencing banking fraud:
Let me share another experience in the form of a story regarding
a banking fraud.
Yesterday evening, I received a call from a girl.
(कल शाम को एक काल आयी, कोई लड़की थी।)
She asked: "Dear Sir, I tried to get registered for a job.
But wrongly, by mistake, I entered your mobile number because there is lot of
similarity between your and my number. Sir, you will receive an OTP on your
number; please share with me as it is very important for my career."
(बोली," सर, मैं जॉब के लिए रेजिस्ट्रेशन कर रही थी। गलती से आपका नम्बर डाल दिया है, क्योकि मेरे और आपके मोबाइल नंबर में काफी समानता है। आपके पास थोड़ी देर में एक ओटीपी आएगी, प्लीज बता दो सर, ज़िन्दगी का सवाल है।")
Her statements looked genuine and when I checked my inbox what I
found that there were two messages, one for OTP and second from a mobile
number stating that "Sir, the OTP you have received, please send on this
number. Thanks in advance."
(बात बिल्कुल जेनुइन लग रही थी, मैनें इनबॉक्स चेक किया, दो मैसेज आये थे। एक पर ओटीपी था, दूसरा एक मोबाइल से आया मैसेज। लिखा था, dear सर, आपके पास जो ओटीपी आयी है, प्लीज इस नंबर पर भेज दीजिये।thanks in
While reading the message, I again received a call from the same
girl. But number was different from earlier. She said, "Sir, you have seen
the OTP, please either tell me or send ot to me. Please."
(मैसेज देख ही रहा था कि फोन दोबारा आया .... मैनें ओके क्लिक किया। वही सुमधुर आवाज। बस नंबर दूसरा था।
" सर, आपने देखा होगा अब तक ओटीपी आ गयी होगी। या तो बता दो या फारवर्ड कर दो उस नंबर पर...प्लीज...")
I asked her, "I will tell you the OTP but before that
I would request you".
She asked, "Tell me, Sir?"
("बता दूंगा, पर आप पहले एक काम करो.."
"हा सर.. बोलिये..")
I asked her, "You have entered my mobile number in
registration form and my number is similar to your number that is why this
mistake has happened."
"Please call me from that similar number so that I can be
sure that you are telling me true event. "
("जो नंबर आपनें डाला है रेजिस्ट्रेसन
, है
"हां सर.."
"ओके, उसी नम्बर से मुझे आप कॉल करो, ताकि मैं वेरीफाई कर सकूं की आप सही हो..")
She replied, "Sir... actually.. that number has no balance.
Sir.. can't you trust upon a girl?"
("वो क्या है सर, उस नम्बर में बैलेंस नही है।सर.. एक लड़की की बात पर आपको भरोसा नही..")
I asked, "I would just like to verify your authenticity
before trusting you?"
("बात लड़की, लड़के और भरोसे की नही है। मैं आपको नही जानता, तो बिना जांचे परखे कैसे भरोसा कर लूं..)
She became rude and replied, "If you cannot trust then
please avoid it but I am telling you due to people like you, noone trusts upon
(" तो रहने दीजिए आप..आप जैसे दुस्ट लोगों की वजह से आज मानवता से लोगों का भरोसा उठ गया है। ")
She became angry and start fighting upon call and then cut the
(दो चार गालियों के साथ उस सुमधुर कर्कशा ने फोन काट दिया।)
I became sentimental and thought that I have become more
technical and a person who never trust upon others...
(मन भारी हो गया था। शायद मैं ज्यादा अविश्वासी और टेक्निकल होता जा रहा हूँ।)
I picked my mobile so that I can dial the number and tell her
the received OTP.
But suddenly I received an email from the bank. I read the email
- "Dear Sir/Madam; if you are facing problems in changing your internet
banking password, then please click the link below.."
(दोबारा से उस नम्बर को डायल करके ओटीपी बताने के लिए फ़ोन उठाया। तभी बैंक का ईमेल का नोटिफिकेशन स्क्रीन पर फ़्लैश हुआ।बैंक का नोटिफिकेशन था, देखना जरूरी था।
लिखा था, "अगर आप इंटरनेट बैंकिग का पासवर्ड नहीं बदल पा रहे तो नीचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक करें....
I astonished to know the fraud by demanding favor in humanity.
So much fraud...
(मैं सन्न रह गया। मानवता के नाम पर भी इतनी ठगबाज़ी.. धोखेबाज़ी..)
I became angry and tried to call her with anger. But I received
a reply after dialing her number : "The number you are trying to reach is
out of coverage area."
(मन गुस्से से भर उठा, रीडायल किया, लड़ाई के मूड में..
उधर से जवाब आ रहा था,
"आप जिस नंबर पर बात करना चाहते हैं वो पहुँच से बाहर हैं ।")*Copyright © 2017 Dr. Lalit Kumar. All rights reserved.
Next : Important Questions on Good and Simple Tax (GST)
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